Los 3387
ARMENIA, Cilician Armenia. Royal. Hetoum I, 1226-1270. Tram (Silver, 22 mm, 2.79 g, 11 h), bilingual type, Sis, date off flan. Within a dotted circle, Hetoum I (1226-1270), the Armenian vassal of Kaykhusraw II, on horseback to right, holding a staff topped with a fleur-de-lis; a cross to left; around, ‘ՀԵԹՈՒՄ ԹԱԳԱՒՈՐ ՀԱՅՈՑ’ (‘Hetoum, king of the Armenians’ in Armenian). Rev. Within a dotted circle, ‘al-sulṭān al-aʿẓam / Ghiyāth al-Dunyā wa al-Dīn / Kaykhusraw ibn Kayqubād’ (‘The Supreme Sultan Ghiyath al-Dunya wa al-Din Kaykhusraw, son of Kayqubad’ in Arabic); mint and date formula around, of which only the mint name is legible. Album 1221. Rare. Some scratches, otherwise, about very fine.

From a British collection of mainly Armenian and Armenian related coins and medals, ex Sotheby's, 14 October 1999, 151 (part of).
25 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 17-Mar-25, 16:25:30 CET
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